Monday, August 31, 2009

Losing Touch

Many times in my life, I have left the people closest to me. Usually it was for good reason, I was going to college, it was time to study abroad, or my Peace Corps service was starting. I've just always been the one who leaves. And those people who I was close to asked me to "keep in touch." I'm good at keeping in touch. I write letters, I blog, I even send out a Christmas letter.

But there have been a few times when my attempt to "keep in touch" has felt a little strange. After a year or two of not speaking to someone, I have in many cases whipped out my stationary and drafted an informative and friendly letter. The recipient receives the letter and wonders, "what is going on? I haven't heard from her in forever. Why is she writing now?" Was the request to keep in touch insincere? Is it bad to try to maintain old friendships?

I understand the priciple of losing touch. If I lived in the days of wagon trains and five pound bags of flour, I would have left my parents' house once and never have seen them again. I'm glad I never endured that kind of a parting.

I like to be the one with the wordy letters. Writing is fun. Why not send a letter to a person I grew up with? Isn't it better to send a note than to wonder what could have happened should I have kept in touch?

I like to write. This is how I keep acquainted with old friends.

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