I've never been one for Video games. I just haven't. But yesterday, as I walked to Fred Meyer, I discovered this sign. BEATLES ROCKBAND! Ah! I love the Beatles and I really want to play this game. Seriously, the perfect Christmas present would be for someone to rent the equipment for a day and let me play.
In other news...
The weather in Eugene is down to 92 degrees which is totally awesome! I couldn't take all the crappy hundred degree weather. So now I know I could never live in California or Arizona.
Two of my three summer classes are over. I only have one class left. But in two weeks, that class will be over.
My job at the library is going well. I like sewing books. I like sewing in general. I'm thinking of sewing my own clothes in the next year or so.
My spider plant is growing really well. I'm excited that it's getting better. It was sick when my sister brought it to me. My dad has been taking care of it for about 4 years and now I'm finally taking it back!
Welp, that's about it for now. Wishing you all a fabulous Sunday.
Ok, good post... but read your third to the last sentence. :) Love you.