Sunday, August 30, 2009

Headaches and weakness

During my sophomore year at NNU, a guy I kinda knew died. My friend, Nicole, was really broken up about it. The two of them were in the outdoor club together and spent a lot of time talking and becoming good friends. His death was caused by a brain aneurism. I had never heard of such a thing before, but if he died because of it, I wanted to avoid such things happening in my head.

In the past three years, I have become somewhat obsessed with the show, Grey's Anatomy. I like the stories. The drama between doctors is much more interesting than my life. But the one thing that makes me cry and causes my hidden emotions to come out are the sad moments. The moments of death, the second things go wrong.

I try to shut off my emotions. My dad raised me to believe that tears are a sign of weakness. I've never liked to cry. I find it embarrasssing. Showing my empathetic side to people I don't know or don't care about makes me physically ill when I have ever cried in public. But enough about my emotions.

Hypochondria is something I could develop. I'm pretty sure I have a small case of it now. Every time I get a headache, I text my mom to inform her that my aneurism may cause my death. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything, it's just that I know that pain in my head isn't natural. Shouldn't it be a good thing to inform someone of my pain.

I have such a headache today. It's not a big one. I'm sure it'll pass. Most likely it is a symptom of dehydration. I'll drink more water. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay. But if I don't post something tomorrow, you might need to check on me!


  1. Pub Trivia will alleviate any headache.

  2. Try being a cancer nurse! I have a brain tumor or leukemia every other day. My poor children are the victims of my constant assessments and medically warped mind:-) Hope your headache goes away!!!
