Monday, July 13, 2009

Sad day

Before moving to Eugene, I got rid of some of my old things. I'm a little sad to say that I got rid of my Huggabunch. It's quite tragic. I kept the other two "toys" from the photo but the large Huggabunch and her baby are gone. RIP dear Huggabunch!

Please note: nothing of true excitement is going on in Eugene today. Thus, you read about a stuffed animal thing.


  1. I hope you got a lot of money for it, Rece. I'm sure those dolls are worth a fortune! Still, the babies were kinda creepy, so perhaps it was for the best...

  2. It's actually sad because I gave it to Goodwill for free. I bet some short poor kid will get rich now. That's probably a good thing.

  3. Short poor kid? Where do you come up with this stuff?
