Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Few Random Things About Me…

I had a professor say that blogs are stupid because no one really cares about what people write on them. I disagree. I write predominately for my own amusement and I share my blog with people I like and might enjoy reading what I find interesting. So… those of you who read this, thanks for reading.

Fact 1: I have lived in England for a total of five months.
Fact 2: I was on an Oxford crew team for a day. (They took anyone without any tryouts.) But I never went back despite the e-mails asking me to return to practice.
Fact 3: Krakow, Poland is my favorite city on earth.
Fact 4: I want to live in Seattle, Washington when I grow up.
Fact 5: I once showed a lamb at the Oregon State Fair.
Fact 6: I used to want to be a cowgirl.
Fact 7: I stopped wanting to be a cowgirl by age 15.
Fact 8: I love playing board games.
Fact 9: I have one houseplant.
Fact 10: My favorite symbol is the peace sign.
Fact 11: My prison tat reads, “tranquility and harmony” in Ukrainian.
Fact 12: I have dyed my hair at least five times.
Fact 13: My favorite band of all times is The Beatles.
Fact 14: I love Harry Potter, both the books and the movies. I disagree with the Oxford professor who claimed that Harry Potter wasn’t good literature.
Fact 15: When I worked at a bank, a guy came to my window and misread my name as “Scarface.”
Fact 16: Reading and writing are two of my favorite pastimes.
Fact 17: I like the new version of Pride and Prejudice. I think Kierra Knightly is a great actress and even though the American ending is ridiculous I still love the movie.

I think 17 is a good number. Thus, there will be no more facts about me to read today.


  1. Ok... the new Pride and Prejudice? I was laughing and enjoying the list until then. I can't believe you admit that. :)

  2. Oh come now! Colin Firth is just an old man! The new guy is so much better!
