Monday, May 10, 2010

job skills

When I was in high school, I took a skills test. It asked about my interests, where I wanted to live, and how much money I wanted to make a year. I wasn’t sure how much money was normal, so I shot high. I was a smart girl, I thought. Why NOT make a bunch of money?

Well, that skills test hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I know the same things I did back then. I love to write and I love photography. But neither of those has made me any money yet.

Tonight, my cousin called me about a possible move to Portland. She’s going to need a new roommate and wants to know if I can move up north. I would love to, but I’m not quite sure what the heck is going on these days. I need a job. I need to finish school. And I need a vacation. That’s all I know.

I started to browse online for jobs in Portland. I had no luck so I moved on to Seattle, the place I really want to move to. I stumbled upon the job title, “funeral director.” That’s what the skills test told me. I was going to be a funeral director. There was no other way to use my smart skills and make that amount of money. Hmm… is this my calling?


  1. Cracks me up. Do you think they would let you dress in purple instead of black? :)

  2. I would sure hope so.

    But sister, people at my workplace think I'm professional. They don't know me for my ridiculous jokes and inappropriate sense of humor. :)
