Thursday, August 5, 2010

Packing city!

Not only has it been ages since I've blogged... it's also been ages since I've taken a picture with my rad camera. This is a problem because I love my camera. It's one of the things I feel like I need in life. :)

But anyway, here's a picture for ya.

It represents my life right now... a huge pile of boxes, some empty, some falling into other boxes, and some half full. I wish my life could be more organized during this "transitional phase," but that seems to never be the case.

Eh, things will settle down and then I'll be able to blog about WHY I have a pile of boxes in my apartment and why I haven't used my camera recently.

Until then, enjoy this unphotoshopped image.


  1. Oh geez! I'm packing books but won't pack away ones I haven't read yet. Needless to say, I have a few to read in the next few weeks! :)
