Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting back to blogging

How does one call oneself a blogger if she never blogs? I don’t know. Thus, I am blogging to show that in fact I do blog and write on occasion. This month (August) has been crazier than crazy. I was in Portland for a few Monday/Tuesdays early on while volunteering at the fabulous OPB. The commuting business turned me into a major stress case. So I decided to make mochas and lattes for the remainder of my August in Eugene instead. Then my thirty days at the apartment in Eugene were up and it was time to move back to Dayton. That’s where I am now. I live in my brothers’ old bedroom and am working at my old grade school. My new job started just two days after I moved here. But instead of chillin’ at that grade school in Dayton where I’m going to work, I headed to Albany for some training about teaching kids with autism. I am excited for it and scared for it at the same time. I’ve never worked with children with autism before. I suppose there’s a reason I’ve become fascinated with the most popular disability in the U.S. Who knows… I’m sure it’ll be an interesting experience to add to my life adventures.

Yesterday, I chatted briefly on Facebook with one of my favorite people in Eugene. He asked me how things in Dayton were. I didn’t have much to say. Much of my activities lately have revolved around organizing my room, cleaning the dishes, and watching Gilmore Girls. But I also get to hang out with Madelyn, my four-year-old niece. She likes to follow me around. Her baby sister is only about six months old. She doesn’t know her Tia Rece very well these days. Anyway, Madelyn was my buddy yesterday. She brought me a tiara to wear to my second cousin, Mia’s princess birthday party. It was… well… it was a princess party. It was sweet. I haven’t actually been to a princess party in a while, but it was good. I told my sister-in-law that if it’d been ten years ago, I would have been ALL decked out as a princess and majorly into the cheesy dancing or something.

Other than the occasional princess party and “trip to town,” I haven’t been up to a whole bunch. So folks, that’s it for now.

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