Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year! (four days late)


It has been ten years since I left high school. It’s been almost six since I graduated college. I’ve known my friends in Ukraine for five years. This is crazy. When I was younger, I always wanted the days to go faster so I could enjoy my weekends. I wanted to be able to hang out with my siblings without any distractions of school and homework. But of course, my sibs had friends and hobbies that kept them from my agenda.

In 2011, I know a little more than when I was little Rece. I know that we only get one life. We have to live our lives as if there is no tomorrow. We should be doing the things we want to do NOW and spending time with the people we care about. I finally made it back to Ukraine over Christmas break and I realized how much I love the people and the culture over there. But my life is here in America. And so… I will write more. I will call more often, and I will save money to visit my dear friends.

I didn’t want to make any real new years resolutions this year, mainly because every year I make resolutions, I only follow through with about one or two of them. So in 2011, I aim to be happy. That’s it. I want to be happy at work, in my personal life, with my family, with my money, etc. As long as I’m happy, I’m sure the other things will be as they should be, right? ☺

Happy New Year friends!


  1. I hope you are happy in 2011 Sweet Pea. I miss you and can't wait to see you next week. :) Let's have a coffee date.

  2. Thank you sister. You are amazing. Coffee date for sure. But where? The Block House Cafe? Cornerstone Coffee? Unionblock? The Coffee Cottage?
