Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crap show of Sex and the City

I never understood why in the first movie, they put Stanford and Anthony together. It made no sense. And to have their wedding open the second movie was just ridiculous.

Let me start at the beginning. I’m not a first-timer. I’ve watched Sex and the City since early 2003. It had been almost over by then, I believe, but two girls from my English Lit classes at NNU thought I needed an education in HBO television. They loaned me their VHS tapes and rather than preparing for finals, I spent time watching Sex and the City. It was alright, I still had good grades, but more importantly, I met the likes of Carrie Bradshaw, Charlotte York, Miranda, and of course, crazy Samantha.

It was a good investment of my time. The show was all over the news, often referenced in People and forever on the lips of my English major friends.

Basically, I like the show. I REALLY like the show. And I’ll always be sad that Carrie ruined things with Aiden and also be glad that she ended up with Big, as Chris Noth is very attractive.

That said, Sex and the City 2 was a simply awful movie. It started out slow. I liked the wedding. It was cute and sweet and so over the top that I loved it, but it really had NOTHING to do with the rest of the movie. What was going on? Okay, so the two (very fun and sweet – at least Stanford was) gay guys were getting married. This is special. But then the movie moved on. We didn’t hear from either of the B-Rooms again. What? Why not?

And then Carrie starts getting mad at Big because of the TV. Really? The TV? So I know that people in relationships, girls especially, get mad about stupid things and mess things up by being ridiculous, but really? Getting up set about the TV? Come on, Carrie. Carrie had always been my favorite until she started complaining about the TV and trying to force Big to go out all the time.

And then the trip to Abu Dhabi. That was cool. That was the main story. Why were there so many mini stories before? For real: why? Aiden’s role was really minor, but the previews made it look much more prominent. And would I really want it to be prominent? Probably not. That might mean that Carrie would be cheating on Big or something. Not a good move! And then she kisses him. At least that’s all. For real.

I’m not trying to spoil the show or disagree with people who liked the movie, but really? It was awful. I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for my ticket. I would have been really upset about it.

All in all, I’d give this 2.75 stars out of five. It’s not quite to the three stars bit (meaning I like it) but I don’t dislike it either.

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