Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dancing in Movies

My sister, Shelli, was always into dance movies. Anytime a dance film came out when we were in high school, she’d want to watch it and she would. She was grounded for most of her senior year of high school. Thus, the two of us had many a movie night. Shelli and I would go to Safeway, pick up a four-cheese pizza and our favorite ice cream and walk over to Blockbuster to rent the old eighties dance movies she loved. It was our thing. And when our parents were out of town and we were left alone, instead of having parties, this was what we would do. I’m sure my nerdiness rubbed off on her. She’d always been the cool one (which explains the dance movies). But it was a good time. Now every time I watch a dance movie, I think of Shelli. Why wouldn’t I? It was our thing. Shelli lives a state away these days. We don’t get to spend a lot of time together and when we do, we’re usually surrounded by all of our family members. I’m sure some day, we’ll be ditched by the family and only Shelli and I will be lounging around on the couch together. But for some reason, I doubt we’ll pop in a dance movie.

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